I dreamed that Spider-Man was riding Pride
The interpretation of dreams is not an exact science and can be subjective, as the meaning of a dream can vary based on personal experiences and cultural background. However, here is one possible interpretation:
Dreaming about Spider-Man riding a pride might symbolize the desire to be a hero and feel courageous like Spider-Man. Pride can also represent confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. Perhaps you have been feeling proud of your accomplishments lately or want to feel more confident in yourself. Alternatively, dreaming of Spider-Man riding pride could represent the need for balance between confidence and humility, as too much pride can be harmful.
Overall, the dream may suggest that you are yearning for some qualities associated with Spider-Man, such as bravery, agility, or quick-thinking, and that you are proud of yourself or striving to feel more confident in your abilities.